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Here Is My Story

Hi, My name is Brandy Matthews and here is a little about me. I am a mom of 3, baker and have always been crafty.  My whole life I loved anything DIY, making cookies, breads, sourdough, and specialty cakes.  For years, I told people I wanted to open a bakery and even took pictures of ones I like when I traveled as inspiration.  I have lived from New York to California and while living in NM, I owned a baby boutique. There, I learned about owning my own business and how to run it successfully.

Now, living in Orange County, I have been heavily involved in my children’s K-8 charter school and was trying to find the next step in my life while they are in school.  Well, then COVID-19 hit, my kids were home all day.  We completed many creative projects, made pickles, sourdough, baked, etc. I started taking online cookie decorating classes and really enjoyed it.  I got to bake, be creative and crafty all in one.  This was perfect for me.  Plus, with this ever-changing world, I get to still be at home with my kids and can work around their schedules.

My husband and I have always loved the outdoors and to travel.  We have taken our kids with us so they can see the world beyond our community.  (Side note: We are trying to get our kids to all 50 states before they go off to college.  Addie, my oldest is 14 and has been to 28 states.)  While on a road trip, I asked my family for help with a name for my little cookie business.  We came up with “Adventures”, because when traveling, adventure is for certain and we LOVE a good adventure.  “Sweet” just helped seal the deal.

I hope you enjoy my cookies, as much as I enjoy making them for you😊

Thanks so much for your support!

~ Brandy (Tim, Addie, Connor and Mally)